2015-now: Waking night support with Autism Together
2010-2015: Care agency support worker, various assignments
2003-2004 Private home care: paraplegia
2002-2003 Council/Trust retirement home
2000-2002 Private home care; family
1994-1996 Educator, deafblind adults
Relevant qualifications
Dip. Health & Social Care 2018
Dip. Additional Techniques (reflexology) 2012
Dip. Reflexology 2010
NOCN certificate Counselling 2008
Additional Information
British citizen Driving licence Single
Resident in France for ten years and in Kenya for fifteen years I’m culturally aware and linguistically adaptable
Gaps covered with time in retail (floor to management), call centres (U.K Gov. advice and helplines) and own business (Angloscope Translations)
Adaptive reflexology refers to my experiences with clients with social mobility issues and specific tailored treatments (fibromyalgia, withdrawal symptoms)